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Plane und bestelle deine Traumterrasse mit notwendigen Zubehör in 3 Schritten! Der 3D Planer errechnet die notwendige Anzahl von Dielen, Unterkonstruktion, Zubehör und sogar Stelzlager!

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Sichtschutzzaun Rhombus Lärche 180 x 150 cm

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Preise & Verfügbarkeit

Ursprünglicher Preis war: 179,00€Aktueller Preis ist: 129,95€.

Preis inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten

17 vorrätig

 Im 3d-Zaunplaner planen


  • Hochwertige & langlebige Lärche
  • Stabile Verarbeitung
  • 20 x 77 mm Rhombusprofile
  • Edelstahl-Verbindungen
  • Bestseller 2021
180 Tage Rückgaberecht
Kauf auf Rechnung
Kostenlose Beratung

Fakten & Beschreibung


Die moderne Sichtschutz-Serie Rhombus setzt mit robusten und charaktervollen Rhombusprofilen neue Trends in Optik. Die hochwertigen und langlebigen Zaunelemente sind aufgrund der holzeigenen Inhaltsstoffe der europäischen Lärche besser gegen Witterung und Schädlinge geschützt als andere Nadelhölzer. Der Rhombus Sichtschutzzaun bietet einen optimalen Sichtschutz und trifft durch die lockere Anordnung der Profile den Geschmack von Heute. Der Zaun zeichnet sich zudem durch eine hochwertige Verarbeitung und die hervorragende Stabilität aus.


  • variabel in der Höhe (einfach kürzbar)
  • sehr hohe Formstabilität durch werksseitige Trocknung
  • Europäische Lärche naturbelassen
  • 20 x 77 mm starke Rhombusprofile als Lamellen
  • 25 x 75 mm starke Verstrebung auf der Rückseite
  • Lattenabstand: 20mm
  • Oberflächen gehobelt
  • Verbindungen in Edelstahl
  •  180 (  L. )  x  150 cm (  H. )
  • Lieferumfang: 180cm x 150cm (fertig montiert)


Artikelnummer: 102777 Kategorie:

Hersteller: Mega-Holz GmbH & Co. KG
Adresse: Löbauer Straße 1A, 02763 Zittau

3D Mini-Planer

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// //CANVAS******************************************************************************************************************** var canvas = document.getElementById("renderCanvas");var startRenderLoop = function (engine, canvas) { engine.runRenderLoop(function () { if (sceneToRender && sceneToRender.activeCamera) { sceneToRender.render(); } }); };var engine = null; var scene = null; var sceneToRender = null; var createDefaultEngine = function () { return new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true, { preserveDrawingBuffer: true, stencil: true, disableWebGL2Support: false, }); };//FOR LOADING BABYLON.DefaultLoadingScreen.prototype.displayLoadingUI = function () { if (document.getElementById("customLoadingScreenDiv")) { // Do not add a loading screen if there is already one document.getElementById("customLoadingScreenDiv").style.display = "initial"; return; } }; //lottie let animItem = bodymovin.loadAnimation({ wrapper: document.getElementById("lottieWraper"), animType: "svg", loop: true, path: "", }); animItem.resize(); animItem.addEventListener("DOMLoaded", function () { animItem.playSegments( [ [0, 100], [32, 100], ], true ); });BABYLON.DefaultLoadingScreen.prototype.hideLoadingUI = function () { document.getElementById("customLoadingScreenDiv").style.display = "none"; // console.log("scene is now loaded"); }; //end of loading//CREATE SCENE /////////////////////////////////////////////////// var createScene = function () { // for loading engine.displayLoadingUI();// SCENE var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);//CAMERA var cameraTarget = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "cameraTarget", { width: 0.2, height: 0.2, depth: 0.2 }, scene ); cameraTarget.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.9, 1, 0); var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera( "Camera", 0, 0, 0, new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 0), scene ); cameraTarget.isVisible = false; camera.attachControl(canvas, true); camera.setPosition(new BABYLON.Vector3(0.9, 1.5, -4.1)); // camera.setTarget(new BABYLON.Vector3(0.9, 1, 0)); camera.wheelPrecision = 300; = cameraTarget;camera.lowerRadiusLimit = 2; // camera.upperRadiusLimit = 50;// camera.lowerBetaLimit = 0; camera.upperBetaLimit = 1.9;// // ENVIROMENT // scene.environmentTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture( // "enviorment/env.env", // scene // ); // scene.environmentIntensity = 0.8; //LIGHTS let lights = []; let lightsLite = []; let lightsHavy = []; // let lightsLed = []; let lightColors = [ "#ff0000", "#198754", "#ffc107", "#0d6efd", "#ffffff", "#0dcaf0", "#f70767", "#ff7400", "#7B00F7", "#7C7C02", ]; //LIGHTS BABYLON function lightsBabylon(a, b, c) { //set lite lights var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight( "light", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, -1), scene );var light2 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight( "light2", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 1), scene );a.push(light, light2);//set light lights intensity a.forEach((elm) => { elm.intensity = 0.2; });//set havy lights var light3 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight( "light3", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, -1), scene );var light4 = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight( "light4", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 1), scene );b.push(light3, light4);c.push(light, light2, light3, light4);//set havy lights intensity b.forEach((elm) => { elm.intensity = 0.8; }); } lightsBabylon(lightsLite, lightsHavy, lights); //set lights color lights.forEach((elm) => { elm.diffuse = elm.specular = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString(lightColors[4]); });//SKY function addSkyBox(skyBoxes) { var skyBox = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox( "SkyBox", 500, scene, false, BABYLON.Mesh.BACKSIDE ); skyBox.material = new BABYLON.SkyMaterial("sky", scene); skyBox.material.inclination = 0; skyBox.material.luminance = 0.7; skyBox.material.azimuth = 0.25; skyBox.position.y = 0; skyBoxes.push(skyBox); } var skyBoxes = [];addSkyBox(skyBoxes);// GROUND // createGround(); var ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "ground", { width: 1, height: 1 }, scene ); ground.scaling.x = 2.3; ground.scaling.z = 0.5; ground.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.9, 0, 0); var grassMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("grassMaterial", scene); grassMaterial.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("", scene); grassMaterial.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01); grassMaterial.diffuseTexture.uScale = 4.6; // width / height grassMaterial.diffuseTexture.vScale = 1; ground.material = grassMaterial; //////////////////////////////////////////////// function groundChange(x, z) { ground.scaling.x = x; ground.scaling.z = z;// ground.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.9, 0, -0.9); }//SET TEXTURE FOR SHOWING SIZE //gound text X var groundTextX = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "groundTextX", { width: 1, height: 0.5, subdivisions: 25 }, scene ); var groundTextX2 = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "groundTextX", { width: 1, height: 0.5, subdivisions: 25 }, scene ); groundTextX2.rotation.y = Math.PI; //Create dynamic texture // var textureResolution = 512; var textureGroundX = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture( "dynamic texture", { width: 512, height: 256 }, scene ); var textureContextX = textureGroundX.getContext();var materialGroundX = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("Mat", scene); materialGroundX.diffuseTexture = textureGroundX; materialGroundX.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true; groundTextX.material = materialGroundX; groundTextX2.material = materialGroundX; textX = 191; //Add text to dynamic texture var font = "120px Arial"; textureGroundX.drawText( textX + "cm", null, null, font, "black", "transparent", true, true );//gound text Z var groundTextZ = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "groundTextZ", { width: 1, height: 0.5, subdivisions: 25 }, scene ); groundTextZ.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2; var groundTextZ2 = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "groundTextZ", { width: 1, height: 0.5, subdivisions: 25 }, scene ); groundTextZ2.rotation.y = -Math.PI / 2; //Create dynamic texturevar textureGroundZ = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture( "dynamic texture", { width: 512, height: 256 }, scene ); var textureContextZ = textureGroundZ.getContext();var materialGroundZ = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("Mat", scene); materialGroundZ.diffuseTexture = textureGroundZ; materialGroundZ.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true; groundTextZ.material = materialGroundZ; groundTextZ2.material = materialGroundZ; textZ = 7; //Add text to dynamic texture // var font = "120px Arial"; textureGroundZ.drawText( textZ + "cm", null, null, font, "black", "transparent", true, true );// // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////FENCE COLORS // fenceBoardsColors = ["#8c8c8c", "#474747", "#836953", "#ece6d6"]; fencePartsColors = ["#e6e6e6", "#474747"];// //FENCE POSTS MATERIAL var fencePostMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("fencePostMat", scene); fencePostMat.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString(fencePartsColors[1]);// //FENCE POSTS MATERIAL var sturmankerMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("sturmankerMat", scene); sturmankerMat.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString( fencePartsColors[1] );//FENCE POST CAP MATERIALS var capMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("capMat", scene); capMat.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString("#202020"); capMat.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);//ROOT SRAF MATERIAL var rootMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("rootMat", scene); rootMat.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString("#b4b4b4"); // rootMat.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01);//CONCRETE MATERIAL let concreteMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("concreteMat", scene); concreteMat.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("", scene); concreteMat.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01); concreteMat.backFaceCulling = false;//FOUNDATION MATERIAL var foundationMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("foundationMat", scene); foundationMat.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString("#ffffff"); foundationMat.alpha = 0.5;//MATERIAL FOR SELECTION var selectedMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("selectedMat", scene); selectedMat.diffuseColor = BABYLON.Color3.FromHexString("#C10000"); selectedMat.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.01, 0.01, 0.01);//POST MATERIAL LARCHE 2 var postLarcheMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial( "postLarcheMaterial", scene ); postLarcheMaterial.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture( "", scene ); postLarcheMaterial.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); postLarcheMaterial.diffuseTexture.uScale = 2; // width postLarcheMaterial.diffuseTexture.vScale = 2; // heightvar postWoodMaterials = []; // postWoodMaterials[0] = postGrunMaterial; postWoodMaterials[0] = postLarcheMaterial;//MATERIAL LARCHE 2 var larcheMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("larcheMaterial", scene); larcheMaterial.diffuseTexture = new BABYLON.Texture( "", scene ); larcheMaterial.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); larcheMaterial.diffuseTexture.uScale = 4; // width larcheMaterial.diffuseTexture.vScale = 4; // heightvar woodMaterials = []; // woodMaterials[0] = grunMaterial; woodMaterials[0] = larcheMaterial;woodMaterials.forEach((elm) => { elm.ambientTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("", scene); elm.ambientTexture.uScale = 1; //and/or the following for vScale: elm.ambientTexture.vScale = -1; //(-1.0 or some other value) });// // //FENCE VARIABLES var leftPostCaps = []; var leftPostCapClones = []; var rightPostCaps = []; var rightPostCapClones = []; var metalParts = []; var rightMetalParts = []; var smallMetalParts = []; var rightSmallMetalParts = []; var allWoodPosts = []; var rightWoodPosts = []; // var woodMaterials = []; var leftPosts = []; var rightPosts = []; var allPosts = []; var fakePosts = []; var intersectedPosts = []; var intersectedPostsMain = []; var roots = []; var rightRoots = []; var foundationStarts = []; var foundationStartsRight = []; var foundations = []; var foundationsRight = []; var sturmankersRuckseite = []; var sturmankersRuckseiteRight = []; var sturmankersVorderseite = []; var sturmankersVorderseiteRight = []; var foundationStartsVord = []; var foundationsVord = []; var foundationStartsRuck = []; var foundationsRuck = []; var newFenceForwardSigns = []; var newFenceRightSigns = []; var newFenceLeftSigns = []; var newFenceBackSigns = []; var addFenceSings = []; var fencesArr = []; var fakeFronts = []; var fakeBacks = []; var fakeLefts = []; var fakeRights = []; var fakeFences = []; var wholeFences = [];var rhombus180180Arr = []; var rhombus90180Arr = []; var rhombus60180Arr = []; var rhombus150180Arr = []; var raRhombus60180Arr = []; var raRhombus50180Arr = []; var kapijaArr = []; var kapijaPartsArr = []; var allFences = [];//FUNCTONS TO GET AND SET ABSOLUTE POSTIOIONS var getAbsPosX = (mesh) => { mesh.computeWorldMatrix(true); return mesh.getAbsolutePosition().x; }; var getAbsPosZ = (mesh) => { mesh.computeWorldMatrix(true); return mesh.getAbsolutePosition().z; };//MAIN POST MESH ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync("", "", "kopfGerundet.glb").then( (result) => { var mainPost = result.meshes[0]; mainPost.rotationQuaternion = null; mainPost.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(1.01, 1, 1.01); mainPost.addRotation(0, Math.PI, 0);// for (let i = 0; i { elm.isVisible = false; }); smallMetalParts.unshift(newSmallMetPartsArr);// //WOOD POST let leftWoodPost = result.meshes[9]; leftWoodPost.material = postWoodMaterials[0]; // leftWoodPost.addRotation(0, 0, Math.PI); allWoodPosts.unshift(leftWoodPost); // leftWoodPost.isVisible = false;//POST CAP let leftPostCap = result.meshes[1]; leftPostCap.material = capMat; leftPostCaps.unshift(leftPostCap); leftPostCap.isVisible = false;let leftPostCapClone = leftPostCap.clone("leftPostCapClone"); leftPostCapClone.position.y = 0.052; leftPostCapClone.isVisible = false; leftPostCapClones.unshift(leftPostCapClone);//POSTS let leftPost = result.meshes[2]; leftPost.addRotation(0, Math.PI, 0); leftPosts.unshift(leftPost); allPosts.unshift(leftPost); leftPost.material = fencePostMat; leftPost.isVisible = false;//cerate fake rigth post let fakePost = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakePost", { width: 0.05, height: 2.1, depth: 0.05 }, scene ); fakePost.position.y = 1.05; // fakePost.parent = leftPost; fakePosts.unshift(fakePost); fakePost.isVisible = false;//post roots let leftRoot = result.meshes[3]; leftRoot.isVisible = false; roots.unshift(leftRoot);leftRoot.material = rootMat;//create foundation start let foundationLeftStart = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "foundationLeftStart", { width: 0.4, height: 0.4 }, scene ); foundationLeftStart.position = new BABYLON.Vector3( leftPost.position.x, 0.0001, 0 ); foundationLeftStart.material = concreteMat; foundationStarts.unshift(foundationLeftStart);//create foundation let foundationLeft = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "foundationLeft", { width: 0.4, height: 0.5, depth: 0.4 }, scene ); foundationLeft.position.x = foundationLeftStart.position.x; foundationLeft.position.y = -0.5 / 2; foundationLeft.material = foundationMat;foundations.unshift(foundationLeft);//STRUMANKER //VORD *************** let leftStrVord = result.meshes[4]; leftStrVord.isVisible = false;sturmankersVorderseite.unshift(leftStrVord);leftStrVord.position.z += 0.011; //create foundation start for front stunmankwer let foundationVordStart = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "foundationVordStart", { width: 0.4, height: 0.7 }, scene );foundationVordStart.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.13, 0); foundationVordStart.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; foundationVordStart.material = concreteMat; foundationVordStart.parent = leftRoot; foundationStartsVord.unshift(foundationVordStart); foundationVordStart.isVisible = false; //create foundation for front stunmankwer let foundationVord = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "foundationVord", { width: 0.4, height: 0.7, depth: 0.5 }, scene ); foundationVord.material = foundationMat; foundationVord.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.13, 0.251); foundationVord.parent = leftRoot; foundationsVord.unshift(foundationVord); foundationVord.isVisible = false;// RUCK ********** let leftStrRuck = result.meshes[5]; leftStrRuck.isVisible = false;sturmankersRuckseite.unshift(leftStrRuck); sturmankersRuckseite[0].position.z -= 0.01; //create foundation start for back stunmankwer let foundationRuckStart = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "foundationRuckStart", { width: 0.4, height: 0.7 }, scene ); foundationRuckStart.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -0.13, 0); foundationRuckStart.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; foundationRuckStart.material = concreteMat; foundationRuckStart.parent = leftRoot; foundationStartsRuck.unshift(foundationRuckStart); foundationRuckStart.isVisible = false;//create foundation for back stunmankwer let foundationRuck = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "foundationRuck", { width: 0.4, height: 0.7, depth: 0.5 }, scene ); foundationRuck.material = foundationMat; foundationRuck.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -0.13, 0.251); foundationRuck.parent = leftRoot; foundationsRuck.unshift(foundationRuck); foundationRuck.isVisible = false;//set material leftStrVord.material = leftStrRuck.material = sturmankerMat;//cerate fake strumanker let fakeFront = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakeFront", { width: 0.01, height: 0.3, depth: 0.3 }, scene ); fakeFront.parent = leftStrVord; fakeFronts.unshift(fakeFront); fakeFront.isVisible = false;let fakeBack = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakeBack", { width: 0.01, height: 0.3, depth: 0.3 }, scene ); fakeBack.parent = leftStrRuck; fakeBacks.unshift(fakeBack); fakeBack.isVisible = false;let fakeLeft = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakeLeft", { width: 0.01, height: 0.3, depth: 0.3 }, scene ); fakeLeft.parent = leftStrRuck; fakeLeft.addRotation(0, 0, Math.PI / 2); fakeLeft.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.2, 0.19, 0); fakeLefts.unshift(fakeLeft);fakeLeft.isVisible = false;let fakeRight = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakeRight", { width: 0.01, height: 0.3, depth: 0.3 }, scene ); fakeRight.parent = leftStrVord; fakeRight.addRotation(0, 0, Math.PI / 2); fakeRight.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(-0.2, -0.19, 0); fakeRights.unshift(fakeRight); fakeRight.isVisible = false;//SET CHILDREN // leftPostCap.addChild(signPlaneWarLeft); // leftPostCap.addChild(signPlaneDelLeft); leftPostCap.addChild(foundationLeft); // leftPostCap.addChild(leftLed); leftPostCap.addChild(leftStrVord); leftPostCap.addChild(leftStrRuck); // leftPostCap.addChild(leftStrRuckSraf); leftPostCap.addChild(leftRoot); // leftPostCap.addChild(leftRoot1);leftPostCap.addChild(foundationVordStart); leftPostCap.addChild(foundationVord); leftPostCap.addChild(foundationRuckStart); leftPostCap.addChild(foundationRuck);//set Ground setGround(); }//END OF MAIN POST );function NewFence(id, type, size, children, color) { = id; this.type = type; this.size = size; this.children = children; this.color = color; } //array for coordinates let fencesCoordinates = []; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //LOAD FENCE MESH var fenceIdCount = -1; var activeFence = false; // var createRightFence = (posX, posZ, rotY, type, smCol, inlaysOnOff) => var createRightFence = (posX, posZ, rotY, type) => BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync("", "", "rhombus10.glb").then( (result) => { var fence = result.meshes[0]; fence.rotationQuaternion = null;fence.position.x = posX; fence.position.z = posZ; fence.rotation.y = rotY;wholeFences.push(fence);// for (let i = 0; i { elm.isVisible = false; }); smallMetalParts.push(newSmallMetPartsArr); rightSmallMetalParts.push(newSmallMetPartsArr);//WOOD POST let rightWoodPost = result.meshes[10]; rightWoodPost.material = woodMaterials[0]; allWoodPosts.push(rightWoodPost); rightWoodPosts.push(rightWoodPost);if (postType == 1) { rightWoodPost.isVisible = false; rightMetalPart.isVisible = false; }//post roots let rightRoot = result.meshes[9]; if (postType == 0) { rightRoot.isVisible = false; } roots.push(rightRoot); rightRoots.push(rightRoot);rightRoot.material = rootMat;//create foundation start let foundationRightStart = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "foundationRightStart", { width: 0.4, height: 0.4 }, scene );foundationRightStart.position = new BABYLON.Vector3( getAbsPosX(result.meshes[9]), 0.0001, getAbsPosZ(result.meshes[9]) ); foundationRightStart.material = concreteMat;foundationStarts.push(foundationRightStart); foundationStartsRight.push(foundationRightStart);//create foundation let foundationRight = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "foundationRight", { width: 0.4, height: 0.5, depth: 0.4 }, scene );foundationRight.position = new BABYLON.Vector3( getAbsPosX(result.meshes[9]), -0.5 / 2, getAbsPosZ(result.meshes[9]) ); foundationRight.material = foundationMat;foundations.push(foundationRight); foundationsRight.push(foundationRight);//STRUMANKER let rightStrVord = result.meshes[11]; rightStrVord.isVisible = false;sturmankersVorderseite.push(rightStrVord);sturmankersVorderseiteRight.push(rightStrVord); if (postType == 0) { rightStrVord.position.z += 0.011; }//create foundation start for front stunmankwer let foundationVordStart = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "foundationVordStart", { width: 0.4, height: 0.7 }, scene );foundationVordStart.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.13, 0); foundationVordStart.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; foundationVordStart.material = concreteMat; foundationVordStart.parent = rightRoot; foundationStartsVord.push(foundationVordStart); foundationVordStart.isVisible = false; //create foundation for front stunmankwer let foundationVord = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "foundationVord", { width: 0.4, height: 0.7, depth: 0.5 }, scene );foundationVord.material = foundationMat; foundationVord.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0.13, 0.251); foundationVord.parent = rightRoot; foundationsVord.push(foundationVord); foundationVord.isVisible = false;///sturmanker Ruck let rightStrRuck = result.meshes[12]; rightStrRuck.isVisible = false;sturmankersRuckseite.push(rightStrRuck);sturmankersRuckseiteRight.push(rightStrRuck); if (postType == 0) { rightStrRuck.position.z -= 0.01; }//create foundation start for back stunmankwer let foundationRuckStart = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround( "foundationRuckStart", { width: 0.4, height: 0.7 }, scene );foundationRuckStart.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -0.13, 0); foundationRuckStart.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2; foundationRuckStart.material = concreteMat; foundationRuckStart.parent = rightRoot; foundationStartsRuck.push(foundationRuckStart); foundationRuckStart.isVisible = false;//create foundation for back stunmankwer let foundationRuck = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "foundationRuck", { width: 0.4, height: 0.7, depth: 0.5 }, scene );foundationRuck.material = foundationMat; foundationRuck.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -0.13, 0.251); foundationRuck.parent = rightRoot; foundationsRuck.push(foundationRuck); foundationRuck.isVisible = false;//set material rightStrVord.material = rightStrRuck.material = sturmankerMat;//cerate fake strumanker let fakeFront = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakeFront", { width: 0.01, height: 0.3, depth: 0.3 }, scene ); fakeFront.parent = rightStrVord; fakeFronts.push(fakeFront); fakeFront.isVisible = false;let fakeBack = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakeBack", { width: 0.01, height: 0.3, depth: 0.3 }, scene ); fakeBack.parent = rightStrRuck; fakeBacks.push(fakeBack); fakeBack.isVisible = false;let fakeLeft = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakeLeft", { width: 0.01, height: 0.3, depth: 0.3 }, scene ); fakeLeft.parent = rightStrRuck; fakeLeft.addRotation(0, 0, Math.PI / 2); fakeLeft.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(-0.2, 0.19, 0); fakeLefts.push(fakeLeft);fakeLeft.isVisible = false;let fakeRight = new BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox( "fakeRight", { width: 0.01, height: 0.3, depth: 0.3 }, scene ); fakeRight.parent = rightStrVord; fakeRight.addRotation(0, 0, Math.PI / 2); fakeRight.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.2, -0.19, 0); fakeRights.push(fakeRight); fakeRight.isVisible = false;// //SET CHILDREN rightPostCap.addChild(rightPostCapClone); rightPostCap.addChild(foundationRightStart); // rightPostCap.addChild(rightLed); rightPostCap.addChild(rightStrVord); // rightPostCap.addChild(rightStrVordSraf); rightPostCap.addChild(rightStrRuck); // rightPostCap.addChild(rightStrRuckSraf); rightPostCap.addChild(rightRoot); // rightPostCap.addChild(rightRoot1);rightPostCap.addChild(rightMetalPart); // rightPostCap.addChild(rightMetalPart1); newSmallMetPartsArr.forEach((elm) => { rightPostCap.addChild(elm); });rightPostCap.addChild(foundationRight); rightPostCap.addChild(foundationVordStart); rightPostCap.addChild(foundationVord); rightPostCap.addChild(foundationRuckStart); rightPostCap.addChild(foundationRuck);rightPostCap.addChild(result.meshes[1]); rightPostCap.addChild(result.meshes[2]); rightPostCap.addChild(result.meshes[13]); rightPostCap.addChild(result.meshes[14]); rightPostCap.addChild(result.meshes[15]); rightPostCap.addChild(result.meshes[16]); rightPostCap.addChild(result.meshes[17]); rightPostCap.addChild(result.meshes[18]);let rhombus180180 = result.meshes[1]; rhombus180180Arr.push(rhombus180180); rhombus180180.isVisible = false;let rhombus90180 = result.meshes[2]; rhombus90180Arr.push(rhombus90180); rhombus90180.isVisible = false;let rhombus60180 = result.meshes[13]; rhombus60180Arr.push(rhombus60180); rhombus60180.isVisible = false;let rhombus150180 = result.meshes[14]; rhombus150180Arr.push(rhombus150180); rhombus150180.isVisible = false;let raRhombus60180 = result.meshes[15]; raRhombus60180Arr.push(raRhombus60180); raRhombus60180.isVisible = false;let raRhombus50180 = result.meshes[16]; raRhombus50180Arr.push(raRhombus50180); raRhombus50180.isVisible = false;let kapija = result.meshes[17]; kapijaArr.push(kapija); kapija.isVisible = false;let kapijaParts = result.meshes[18]; kapijaPartsArr.push(kapijaParts); kapijaParts.isVisible = false; // kapijaParts.material = kapijaPartsMat1;let allFencesThis = new Array( rhombus180180, rhombus90180, rhombus60180, rhombus150180, raRhombus60180, raRhombus50180, kapija );allFences.push(allFencesThis);allFencesThis.forEach((elm) => { elm.material = woodMaterials[0]; });result.meshes[19].material = result.meshes[20].material = result.meshes[21].material = result.meshes[22].material = result.meshes[23].material = result.meshes[24].material = rootMat;if (type == "rhombus180180") rhombus180180.isVisible = true;if (type == "rhombus90180") { rhombus90180.isVisible = true; setSmallerFenceSize( rightPost, rightPostCap, foundationRight, newFenceForwardSigns, newFenceRightSigns, newFenceLeftSigns, newFenceBackSigns, getAbsPosX, getAbsPosZ, fakeFence, rightWoodPost, 0.9 ); }if (type == "rhombus60180") { rhombus60180.isVisible = true; setSmallerFenceSize( rightPost, rightPostCap, foundationRight, newFenceForwardSigns, newFenceRightSigns, newFenceLeftSigns, newFenceBackSigns, getAbsPosX, getAbsPosZ, fakeFence, rightWoodPost, 1.2 ); }if (type == "rhombus150180") { rhombus150180.isVisible = true; setSmallerFenceSize( rightPost, rightPostCap, foundationRight, newFenceForwardSigns, newFenceRightSigns, newFenceLeftSigns, newFenceBackSigns, getAbsPosX, getAbsPosZ, fakeFence, rightWoodPost, 0.3 ); }if (type == "raRhombus60180") { raRhombus60180.isVisible = true; setSmallerFenceSize( rightPost, rightPostCap, foundationRight, newFenceForwardSigns, newFenceRightSigns, newFenceLeftSigns, newFenceBackSigns, getAbsPosX, getAbsPosZ, fakeFence, rightWoodPost, 1.2 ); }if (type == "raRhombus50180") { raRhombus50180.isVisible = true; setSmallerFenceSize( rightPost, rightPostCap, foundationRight, newFenceForwardSigns, newFenceRightSigns, newFenceLeftSigns, newFenceBackSigns, getAbsPosX, getAbsPosZ, fakeFence, rightWoodPost, 1.3 ); }if (type == "kapija") { kapija.isVisible = true; kapijaParts.isVisible = true; setSmallerFenceSize( rightPost, rightPostCap, foundationRight, newFenceForwardSigns, newFenceRightSigns, newFenceLeftSigns, newFenceBackSigns, getAbsPosX, getAbsPosZ, fakeFence, rightWoodPost, 0.8 ); }//SET NEW FENCE SAME POST SIZE AS THE OTHER if (befePfostenSize == 1) { rightPost.scaling.z = 1.2; rightPost.position.y = 0.7717; // if (type == "fionaKosaDesna" || type == "fionaKosaDesnaRupe") { // rightPost.scaling.z = 0.724; // rightPost.position.y = 0.3119; // } rightRoot.isVisible = false;foundationRight.scaling.y = 1; foundationVord.scaling.z = 1; foundationRuck.scaling.z = 1;foundationRight.position.z = 1.215; foundationVord.position.z = 1.215; foundationRuck.position.z = 1.215; } // setbefePfosten(1.2, 0.7717, false, 1, -0.5 / 2); if (befePfostenSize == 2) { rightPost.scaling.z = 1.475; rightPost.position.y = 0.511; // if (type == "fionaKosaDesna" || type == "fionaKosaDesnaRupe") { // rightPost.scaling.z = 0.999; // rightPost.position.y = 0.053; // } rightRoot.isVisible = false;foundationRight.scaling.y = 1.8; foundationVord.scaling.z = 1.8; foundationRuck.scaling.z = 1.8;foundationRight.position.z = 1.415; foundationVord.position.z = 1.415; foundationRuck.position.z = 1.415; } // // setbefePfosten(1.475, 0.511, false, 1.8, -0.9 / 2);//CREATE OBJ FOR FENCE fenceIdCount += 1; fenceId = fenceIdCount;fenceType = type;if (type == "rhombus180180") { fenceSizeObj = 180; }if (type == "rhombus90180") { fenceSizeObj = 90; }if ((type == "rhombus60180", "raRhombus60180")) { fenceSizeObj = 60; }if (type == "rhombus150180") { fenceSizeObj = 150; }if (type == "raRhombus50180") { fenceSizeObj = 50; }if (type == "kapija") { fenceSizeObj = 100; }childrenThis = [];if (woodMaterialType[0] == 0) { allFencesThis.forEach((element) => { element.material = woodMaterials[0]; }); rightWoodPost.material = woodMaterials[0]; boardColObj = "larche"; } // if (woodMaterialType[0] == 1) { // allFencesThis.forEach((element) => { // element.material = woodMaterials[1]; // }); // rightWoodPost.material = woodMaterials[1]; // boardColObj = "grau"; // }fencesArr.push( new NewFence( fenceId, fenceType, fenceSizeObj, childrenThis, boardColObj ) );fencesArr[fenceId].status = "activeFence";if (fenceId > 0 && typeof activeFence != "boolean") { fencesArr[activeFence].children.push(fenceId); fencesArr[fenceId].parent = fencesArr[activeFence].id;//set parent right post if ( rightPosts[fencesArr[fenceId].parent].isVisible || rightWoodPosts[fencesArr[fenceId].parent].isVisible ) { if (rightPosts[fencesArr[fenceId].parent].scaling.z 0.7 && rightPosts[fencesArr[fenceId].parent].scaling.z 0.9 && rightPosts[fencesArr[fenceId].parent].scaling.z { engine.hideLoadingUI(); }, 3000); // //END OF MESH // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } ); //SET GROUND var groundSizeX = 0; var groundSizeZ = 0; let fenceSizeSmallCartDisplay = document.getElementById("fence-size-display"); function setGround() { arrX = []; arrZ = []; for (let i = 0; i ground.scaling.z) { if (ground.scaling.x { if (!clicked) { clicked = true; createRightFence( getAbsPosX(rightPosts[activeFence]) + 0.99, getAbsPosZ(rightPosts[activeFence]), 0, "rhombus180180" ); setDisplayOfConfOnAddFence(); setTimeout(() => { clicked = false; }, 500); } }; // DELETE FENCES let subFenceBtn = document.getElementById("subFenceBtn"); subFenceBtn.onclick = () => { if (!clicked) { clicked = true; if (activeFence != 0) deleteFence(activeFence); setTimeout(() => { clicked = false; }, 500); } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////let postType = 0;var befePfostenSize = 0;let woodMaterialType = [0];// // ACCESORIES SECTION FUNCTIONS*****************************************************************************************// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DELETE FENCE function deleteFence(a) { wholeFences[a].dispose(); foundationsRight[a].dispose(); fakeFences[a].name = "disposedFakeFence"; fencesArr[a].status = "disposedFence"; allPosts[a + 1].isVisible = false; allWoodPosts[a + 1].isVisible = false; fencesArr[a].children.forEach((elm) => { fencesArr[elm].parent = fencesArr[a].parent;fencesArr[fencesArr[a].parent].children.push(elm); }); if (fencesArr[fencesArr[a].parent] != undefined) { fencesArr[fencesArr[a].parent].children.splice( fencesArr[fencesArr[a].parent].children.indexOf(a), 1 ); }setGround(); //visibility because of cart counting rightPosts[a].isVisible = false; rightWoodPosts[a].isVisible = false;roots[a + 1].isVisible = false; sturmankersRuckseite[a + 1].isVisible = sturmankersVorderseite[ a + 1 ].isVisible = false;rightMetalParts[a].isVisible = false;allFences[a].forEach((elm) => { elm.isVisible = false; });//MINI////////// setParent = fencesArr[a].parent; fencesArr[a].parent = undefined; setDisplayOfConfOnSubFence();activeFence = setParent; }// accCloseButFun(deleteFencePart); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TAKE SCREENSHOT // var screenshotBtn = document.getElementById("screenshot-but"); // screenshotBtn.onclick = () => { // BABYLON.Tools.CreateScreenshot(engine, camera, 1024); // };//////////////////////////// //LINKvar link = document.getElementById("link"); link.onclick = () => { // var a = document.getElementsByClassName("scCartList")[0].children; var a = products; var prodIds = []; var prodValues = []; var linkParts = []; for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { prodIds.push(a[i].id); prodValues.push(a[i].numOfProd);linkParts.push(prodIds[i] + ":" + prodValues[i] + ","); } linkParts = linkParts.join(""); linkParts = linkParts.slice(0, -1); link.href += "?add-to-cart=" + linkParts; };//MINIFIED CONF///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// let products = [ { id: "4797", prodName: "", numOfProd: 1, prodPrice: "" }, { id: "1700", prodName: "", numOfProd: 2, prodPrice: "" }, { id: "381", prodName: "", numOfProd: 2, prodPrice: "" }, { id: "411", prodName: "", numOfProd: 8, prodPrice: "" }, { id: "3986", prodName: "", numOfProd: 6, prodPrice: "" }, ]; let wooComDataLoaded = false; let numDataLoaded = 0;for (let i = 0; i response.json()) .then((data) => { numDataLoaded += 1;products[i].prodName =;products[i].prodPrice = data.prices.price; products[i].prodPrice = products[i].prodPrice.substring(0, products[i].prodPrice.length - 4) + "." + products[i].prodPrice.substring( products[i].prodPrice.length - 4, products[i].prodPrice.length - 2 );if (numDataLoaded == products.length) wooComDataLoaded = true; }); }let sumPrices = []; let confTable = document.getElementById("conf-table"); let allSumPricesDisplay = document.getElementById("price-display");function checkLoaded() { if (wooComDataLoaded) { for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { sumPrices.push(products[i].numOfProd * products[i].prodPrice);var tr = document.createElement("tr"); tr.classList.add("tr-table-parts"); = 'none'; var td1 = document.createElement("td"); var td2 = document.createElement("td"); var td3 = document.createElement("td"); var td4 = document.createElement("td"); = = = = 'none'; = "left"; = "center"; = = "right";var productNameText = document.createTextNode( `${products[i].prodName}` ); var numOfProdText = document.createTextNode(`${products[i].numOfProd}`); var productPriceText = document.createTextNode( `${products[i].prodPrice} \u20ac` ); var productPriceSumText = document.createTextNode( `${sumPrices[i].toFixed(2)} \u20ac` ); td1.appendChild(productNameText); td2.appendChild(numOfProdText); td3.appendChild(productPriceText); td4.appendChild(productPriceSumText); tr.appendChild(td1); tr.appendChild(td2); tr.appendChild(td3); tr.appendChild(td4);confTable.appendChild(tr); } getSumOfAllPrices(); clearInterval(refreshIntervalId); console.log("cart loaded"); } else { console.log("cart not loaded"); } } if (!wooComDataLoaded) { var refreshIntervalId = setInterval(checkLoaded, 100); }//DYNAMICLY CHANGE LIVE CARTfunction addPartsNumOnAdd() { let numOfProdCell = document.getElementsByClassName("tr-table-parts"); products[0].numOfProd = products[0].numOfProd + 1; products[1].numOfProd = products[1].numOfProd + 1; products[2].numOfProd = products[2].numOfProd + 1; products[3].numOfProd = products[3].numOfProd + 4; products[4].numOfProd = products[4].numOfProd + 6; for (let i = 0; i < numOfProdCell.length; i++) { numOfProdCell[i].children[1].innerHTML = products[i].numOfProd; } }function subPartsNumOnAdd() { let numOfProdCell = document.getElementsByClassName("tr-table-parts"); products[0].numOfProd = products[0].numOfProd - 1; products[1].numOfProd = products[1].numOfProd - 1; products[2].numOfProd = products[2].numOfProd - 1; products[3].numOfProd = products[3].numOfProd - 4; products[4].numOfProd = products[4].numOfProd - 6; for (let i = 0; i < numOfProdCell.length; i++) { numOfProdCell[i].children[1].innerHTML = products[i].numOfProd; } }function getSumOfIndividualParts() { let numOfSumCell = document.getElementsByClassName("tr-table-parts"); for (let i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { sumPrices[i] = products[i].numOfProd * products[i].prodPrice; } for (let i = 0; i partialSum + a, 0); sumOfAllPrices = Math.round(sumOfAllPrices * 100) / 100; allSumPricesDisplay.innerHTML = `${sumOfAllPrices.toFixed(2)} \u20ac`; }// setTimeout(() => { // setDisplayOfConfOnAddFence(); // }, 5000); function setDisplayOfConfOnAddFence() { addPartsNumOnAdd(); getSumOfIndividualParts(); getSumOfAllPrices(); } function setDisplayOfConfOnSubFence() { subPartsNumOnAdd(); getSumOfIndividualParts(); getSumOfAllPrices(); } //PUSH COORDINATES TO LOCAL STORAGE //data for pushing let finalFencesCoordinates = []; let data; let openFullConfgBtn = document.getElementById("openFullConfgBtn"); openFullConfgBtn.onclick = () => { finalFencesCoordinates = [];for (let i = 0; i < fencesArr.length; i++) { if (fencesArr[i].status == "activeFence") { fencesCoordinates[i].length = 3; finalFencesCoordinates.push(fencesCoordinates[i]); } }for (let i = 1; i { sceneToRender = scene; });// Resize window.addEventListener("resize", function () { engine.resize(); }); // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //END OF SCENE

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